For many years Lonnie ate the breakfast listed below but in the last 5 years has it once a week. The other days he will only have a bowl of fruit, mainly berries with a splash of yoghurt and natural non-wheat flakes. For energy sugar he will add cranberries and dates and sometimes chopped up walnuts.

In a small bowl place1 TEASPOON of WHEATGERM
Breakfast-LSAAdd 1 TEASPOON of LSA
Breakfast-DatesAdd 2 DATES cut up into small pieces
Breakfast flakes similar to Corn Flakes but less sugar and chemicals.Can be anything really, as long as the sugar is low. These are from Health Shops but similar ones are in Coles, Woolworths etc.
Remmeber – check sugar!!
Add a small amount of the above flakes.
Breakfast-PrunesAdd a prune or 2 andSlice up about a 1/4 of an apple into small pieces.
Breakfast-fruitSlice up about a 1/4 of a peach, banana or some other fruit.You can also add raspberries or strawberries as well.Then add milk.  We use SKIM MILK but you can use anything
Breakfast-FinishYou can also add some good natural Yoghurt if you want.Eat it slowly and enjoy this ‘medicine’ to give you a fresh start to the day with great energy and brain fuel.This should have you in the bathroom not too long after you eat it, to keep your healthy.
You will notice a difference if you keep this up. GOOD HEALTH !