News in Pictures
Some other pix from here and there....
Memories in Music

In full flight..

At Fairfield RSL



With Bob Rogers

At 2CH Live broadcast from Smithfield RSL

April 2 2005

Lonnie attends the Premiere
of the Jimmy Little Story,
a new movie-doco
due for ABC release in 2004.

In the doco, Lonnie had
a few things to say about
his tours with Jimmy
in the early 60's.

John Mac, president of
Convoy for Kids Sydney Inc., presents Lonnie with a
plaque as a thank you
for performing at the
very successful Showground Convoy for Kids in August.

Lonnie is a Patron of the Charity

This show raised
over $80,000 for the kids at Westmead Hospital and Careflight.


Lonnie visits
Tony Bennetts and Tom
for Tony's very popular
'Blast of the Past' show
at B-FM
Tom has his own program on 89.3 every Saturday noon till 2pm with Helen.

With Tricia Lawrence on her program 'Sentimental Sounds' on 89.3FM Tuesday's 2pm till 3pm

Have you go any pix of Lonnie or his shows ?
We'd love to see more pix of the audiences having a good time!
Email them to


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