BRAND NEW!      Now you can get a 'Crikey'! RingTone.      See here

What does Crikey mean ?

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

Crikey /'kraiki/ Used to express surprise, fear etc.,

such as, "Crikey! what a big croc!"

It is a very old Australian saying which had virtually been lost especially in the cities, although some true blue Aussies such as Steve still say it.
Now it is known worldwide. Say it as a rememberance to Steve!

Tribute to a True Blue Aussie Hero
Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter

Recently his family, Australia and the world sadly lost one of its True Blue sons.

Whilst there are many ways to express one's loss at a time like this, Lonnie decided to write a song which was so commercial and simple, everyone could sing along .

Within a few days 'Crikey!' was born, recorded and released on Starlite Records.

You can also buy it here or on Ebay

Some of the 'Crikey! gang with Lonnie at Green Valley Public School

Schools can get it FREE here

October 3rd 2006

Some thank you notes from some cool kiddies!
We'd love to get them from your school too - Send them to
ATT- Crikey!
Starlite Records
PO Box 3374
Liverpool NSW 2170 Australia

Some of the kids work from Thornton Public School

Here is a wonderful letter from the First Montessori School of Atlanta, USA
about Alex Zoeller a student and his involvement in some incredible fundraising
for the Steve Irwin Wildlife Warrior Fund:

Alex, who is an avid fan of Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel, was absolutely devastated when Steve Irwin was killed this September just before Alex's birthday. He cried hysterically for
hours when his parents told him the shocking news. Steve had been Alex's hero since he was two, and he quickly placed Steve's death on par with the loss of his grandmother who died in March. In some ways, Steve's death was harder for him because he really didn't know his own grandmother well, as she lived far away and he only saw her once a year.  Steve was part of his life almost every

Alex collected $400 at his birthday party, since he asked his friends to contribute to the Wildlife Warriors in lieu of buying him birthday gifts and was incredibly proud of himself.  He decided that he was going to raise more money by dressing as the Crocodile Hunter for Halloween and that he would trick-or-treat for the Wildlife Warriors.

He wrote a letter which he started taking everywhere with him. He sent it with his Dad to work, he went door to door, he'd take it to Waffle House on the weekends and solicit strangers while his family was at breakfast.  So far he's collected $1870.40! He's kept a meticulous ledger of all contributions, written beautiful thank-you notes, and even developed his own marketing incentives. He put individual football cards in the letters he sent home to his football teammates and promised whole packs to players who contributed above a certain threshold. 

After Halloween his mother discussed with him the fact that you can't just keep hitting up the same people for cash,so it may be time to call it quits. He was undeterred. He went to his mother and asked if they could make a t-shirt.  He drew an awesome picture of Steve Irwin and his favorite crocodile, Agro, and they uploaded it to the CafePress website. He picked the items he wanted to feature in his store and decided on the saying he wanted with his t-shirt. We took the saying on the back directly from a thank you note he received from the Wildlife Warrior fund. He decided how much to mark up each item and what to put at the top of his storefront

Alex also participated in a holiday shopping event at our school with several adult vendors offering their items for sale with part of their profits being donated back to the school. Alex was invited to participate and keep his proceeds since they were already promised to another organization. He never left his table and even inspired his friends to come and solicit sales for him. He has sold almost $800 worth of his products with $194 of that pending contribution to the Wildlife Warrior Fund as soon as his commissions are paid by CafePress!

Alex gave all of his classmates Wildlife Warrior wristbands from the Discovery Channel for Christmas.  He and his mother, Deniz Zoeller, are going to New York on January 19th to sit on the front row at an event that will promote Australian tourism.  Steve Irwin’s daughter, Bindi Irwin, and her mother will be the headliners of the event.

The Words

Crikey Crikey
Written by Lonnie Lee
(c) Sept 2006 Lonnie Lee - Starlite International Pty Ltd
PO Box 3374 Liverpool NSW 2170 Australia

Download and print the words here

We've got an Aussie hero, he wears a uniform,
Khaki shirts and short shorts, whether cold or warm

He's a friend of all the animals he knows them all so well
So excited when he sees them, he give his special yell..


Crikey Crikey, matey struth cor blimey,
magic words to save all critters living in the wild

Crikey Crikey, matey struth cor- blimey,
Wont you join Australia zoo, cause you can save 'em too!

Like Superman and Batman, he's flying through the air,
Like Tarzan and The Phantom, you know he really cares

He's a real life hero, trying to make it better here
Trying to save all the animals, a man without fear.


Crocodiles, kangaroos, Koalas in the trees
From jungles to the deserts, rivers to the seas

He loved 'em all, big n small, you could see it in his eyes
You could hear it in the way he spoke, about their precious lives


His dream is in the doing, giving love to one and all
Man and woman, boys n girls and all the animals.

So step right up, give a smile, show you really care
'Tho you wont see him, he'll be right there.



Donations to Wildlife Warriors the wildlife conservation trust
which Steve and Terri set up can be made to:



Wildlife Warriors
PO Box 29,
Beerwah Qld 4519


To Bank

ANZ Bank

Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Worlwide LTD
A Tribute to Steve Irwin Account


Australia Zoo


Phone +61 7 5436 2000


The CD can be ordered in many stores or..
purchased at..


and sometimes it can be found on Ebay

Starlite Records
PO Box 3374
Liverpool NSW 2170 Australia

+61 2 9826 0220




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