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Lonnie Lee
NOTE: Make sure that your Internet or mobile phone provider does not charge you too much for downloading radio streams. |
The program runs for several hours then repeats.
month's playlist is taken from 450 songs.
It features many of Lonnie's hits
from 1959 as well tracks from his recent CDs.
The songs featured
are from the CDs..
The Definitive Original Collection
Volume 1,2, 3 &
Vol 4
Really Rockin'
Live at The Dance Ranch
Don't Look Back
I like it I love it
Like it is
Lonnie sings Elvis
Convoy for Kids
Good Rockin Tonite
Best of Lonnie Live
I Like it I love it
Like it is
Solid Gold
Living Legends of Six O'Clock Rock
Light of Love
North West Mail
The Sunshine Tapes
Soft and Easy
Convoy for Kids
Rockin Wild in the Country
and more..
Also a 1972 interview
with John Denver.
Radio series
The Roots of
Aussie Rock
The Hit Parades
Introductions by
Lonnie and Johnny O'Keefe |